Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Triphala - The Trinity of Three Natural Fruits

   The Constant Balancing Act of Life

The age-old name and fame of Triphala powder is self valedictory.  It is a powdered mixture of three natural fruits in equal proportions. Mother Nature offers vegetable matter most suitable for nourishing human body, as well as curing imbalances within the body when they occur; offering a Constant Balancing Act.

Diabetes with fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels ( BSL ), impaired digestive metabolism indicated by irregular bowel movements coupled with emotional imbalances are all interconnected maladies. Just one medicine pill or injection a day cannot offer a true solution to the complex confluence of maladies.

A balanced and integrated daily indulgence of exercise, nutritious food intake, emotional adaptability to Life, and introspective reflection is essential.  It is not about rigidity but flexibility with the nature of Life that governs itself through regular maintenance and transformation. Human body is constantly adjusting itself through these natural processes, but needs our cooperation at every stage to optimise its constant balancing efforts. Do not expect magical medicinal pills and psychedelic boosters to do that job for you. We live rent free in our body for lifetime and therefore have obligations to meet.

Regular daily bowel movement is the fundamental key to good health governance at every stage and age. Any accumulated food stagnant in the intestines over 24 hours ferments promoting all kinds of imbalances including physical, chemical and emotional. Merely taking a strong purgative does not address the complexity of the malady.

Diabetes and I have been chasing each other daily for the past 40+ years and due to sheer persistent habit, we refuse to give up!

Shaking off out of the persistent Interlock

Based on this Interlock, here are some personal reminders for digestion and maintaining regular bowel movements:

  1. Use natural Triphala powder as a tuner and regulator for balancing overall metabolism, but not use it as a purgative.
  2. For chronic irregular bowel movements, take a daily appropriate dose of Triphala  powder dispersed in warm water primarily as a general Tonic. Since it has a Yakki-Snorty taste, complement it with a bit of Honey in water at the end.  
  3. Daily intake of alcohol may hamper the efficacy of Triphala performance.
  4. At a desirable frequency, perform the purging or flushing of bowels with warm water, which is referred as Jal Neti in the language of Ayurveda science. The process of Jal Neti includes the following procedural steps.
  1. Start the procedure first thing in the morning. Eat a very light dinner the previous night.
  2. In a 500 mL glass filled with warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of table salt and gradually sip it without rushing.  While sipping the salty water, keep on standing or slowly walking around the room; rather than sitting in one place and chatting. Silence is soothing for the entire environment.
  3. Continue gradually sipping additional pitchers of the recommended salty water until the bowels voluntarily discharge stools due to the internal pressure generated by the warm salty water. During this period, Urination voluntarily stops due to the salty water and helps generate the whole pressure from within.
  4. In approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on individual specific conditions, all stools will gradually discharge. Subsequently, only water coming out instead of any solid stool matter will be the proof of completion of the procedure. You will feel soothing Ahh of natural  relief.
  5. After completion of the procedure, just lay down comfortably with a shawl draped on yourself and rest for 30-minutes while staying calm.
  6. Treat and reward yourself with a light lunch of cooked rice and lentils or equivalent.
  7. This whole procedure provides a cool opportunity for contemplative idling for body and mind.
  8. Have a great day with clean and fragrant air around you and within yourself  ~~~

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Deepak Deo <deepakbr14@gmail.com> wrote:
powder better than pill!

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 9:57 PM, Suresh Deo <sureshdeo32@gmail.com> wrote:



The general dosage of Triphala Powder is as follows.
Infants (Up To 6 Months)
Infants (6 -12 Months)
500 mg * or 1 gram **
Toddler (Age: 1 – 3 yrs)
750 mg * or 1.5 grams **
Preschooler (3 – 5 yrs)
1000 mg * or 2 grams **
Grade-schooler (5 – 12 yrs)
1500 mg * or 3 grams **
Teenager (13 -19 yrs)
2 grams * or 4 grams **
Adults (19 to 60 yrs)
3 grams *  or 6 grams **
Geriatric (above 60 yrs)
3 grams * or 6 grams **
3 grams * or 6 grams **
Maximum Possible Dosage
12 grams Per Day (in divided doses)
* Twice a day with water or honey After Food
** Once a day at night with water or honey
Triphala powder tablets or capsules dosage is not appropriate dosage. Therefore, you should have to take many numbers of tablets or capsules to have sufficient therapeutic dosage.
Whenever possible, you should also not use Triphala extract tablets or capsules, because Triphala in crude form is safer and more beneficial.
The maximum dosage of Triphala powder is about 12 grams. The dosage of triphala should not exceed from 12 grams per day.
The maximum dosage of Triphala extract is 2000 mg per day. Generally, extract tablets of Triphala contain about 500 mg to 750 mg extract, which also varies according to manufacturing companies.

Best Triphala Adjuvants

According to health condition and purpose of the Triphala use, adjuvants can be different. Here is a table according to health condition for an example.

Health Condition
Vata Disorders ( GASTRIC )
Warm water in the morning and normal water at night or Sesame Oil
Pitta Disorders ( ACIDIC )
Cold Water or Ghee (Cow’s Milk Fat)
Kapha Disorders ( COUGH )
Warm Water or Honey
Weight Loss

Shri Shastri @ Oakville, Ontario, Canada

12:56 PM (3 hours ago)
to me

Many thanks for Triphala info.

I have been using the same occasionally for many years.

Usually I mix good spoon full of Triphala in half cup of warm water & then

add quarter tea spoon baking soda to it & mix it. There is 

some effervescence like ENO`s fruit salt. I gulp down the mix which

assures healthy dump in the morning.

The said mix is very effective  on Friday eve when I relish one generous 

helping of single MALT on rocks. As a result of Triphala combo there is

 no headache or hangover. Friday night I sleep well without any sleep aid.

Triphala & baking soda neutralizes malt acidity totally.

Guess we both are mighty smart eh?

1 comment:

  1. Very nice article. Also visit Dwibhashi famous and simple combinations of ayurvedic products.The best triphala tablets best triphala tablets/


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