Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Virtual Value of Dowry

After celebrated the April Fool’s Day yesterday, 32nd March or 1st April, 2017, it is time to settle down in the breeze of daily sailing.

The Dowry, a nakedly self incriminating tradition, is as vibrant in the 21st Century world as it was centuries back. The tradition seems to have sprouted out of sensible and practical mutual arrangements to nurture  the blessed harmonious union between the Masculine and the Feminine temperaments of Life. However the Boat of Life with upright sales seems to have wandered in the undesirable directions and headed into the storm of Life.

Grabbing the Bull by its Horn, it behooves to address the social and moral disorientation called Dowry that has inflicted the consciousness of humanity worldwide.

By conveniently disbursing a social and moral issue as worldwide, does not diminish its intensity at a local and individual level.

Since I was born in the city of Nagpur, at the dead centre of Bharat ( India ) representing its social consciousness, I am the living witness of the social phenomenon called Dowry over the past 84 years, ever since my inception. Therefore, I have chosen to write about what I have witnessed first hand.

In the hustle and bustle of Life, It is self educational to pause and look critically at ourselves and the conduct of our social environment that affects us, one and all negatively, irrespective of our religion, caste, creed or skin color.  in the veins of each one of us, freely flows the identical red colored blood and the bloody God called the energy of Life…..

……. To be continued in the windward direction of Dowry ...

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Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

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