Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Nine Months that Made Us

The Nine Months that Made Us

Recently, we saw a documentary via NetFlix bearing the above title that is sure to engage Grandparents to Grandchildren and everyone gathering in between.

The lucid and pictorial documentary brings out the piddly, momentary and yet essential contribution that a Male presence makes in the creative process of inducing a newborn human life. Everyone and everything in the cosmic Nature is interdependent .

Life is a continuous self driven process of transition and transformation.

The mother's womb carrying the fertilised egg bears the sole burden right from the very first second or moment of the duet namely the ovarian egg and the male sperm… in the form of throbbing life with its innate instincts and wisdom.  

The political mind in each one of us is vainly and endlessly trying to define when does Life begin in the womb and with what audacity ?

The ever throbbing Life has a DNA ( biological imprint ) of the entire human evolutionary process. Whereas the human Mind seems to bear the DNA of its ignorance and its limitations.

Enjoy the documentary with fortitude and open mind.

9 Months That Made You | PBS Programs


Jun 30, 2016 - 9 Months That Made You premiered June 29, 2016 ... three episodes we chart how 100 trillion cells come together to make each of us a unique individual. ... For the first ten weeks of pregnancy our biological sex is hidden.

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