Friday, March 31, 2017

The Supremo Eye, i and Ego

The Supremo Eye, i and Ego   

The entire traffic of Life seems to pass through the vigilance of human Eye and other complementary sensory perceptions including the ears, nose, taste and touch. However it appears to be the mind, its memory and intellect that bears the heaviest brunt of traffic of Life and building up the architecture of personal Ego.

Brain is the visible parts of human anatomy, but the mind, memory and its intellect are not. How are these three invisible faculties managed and how ? Don’t ask me, I just raised and posed a question out of sheer insane curiosity.  All that I know is that I am not a brain child; I am the Hardware reality of existence called Life and my brain is wired as my Hardware and Assembler to confuse a Hell out of me and driving me to seek the Heaven, which is as yet an ill defined physicality at its best format.

The Ego of “i” is the Huff-N-Puff of masculinity present within each individual irrespective of relative Sex; it is all about Me and Mine. Facebook provides an easy outlet for it all; leaving each one of us to wonder “ Who the Hell am I really within the dynamics of this constantly changing world ? “

Am I the super Grandchild of Adam, Eve and their forbidden Apple, or Apple 2-e, iPad Pro, iPad 3, or an ill defined, maladjusted nobody !

I am told by the Book of Revelation that I or i have only one Life to Live.  

It is an identity Crisis.

The wisdom of timeless ages suggests that the supreme Eye that monitors the entire traffic of Life is the Third Eye, the non-judgemental eye, which is located in the middle of the two eyebrows, in the middle of the two brain halves representing the constant balance of the artistic and scientific faculties.  

1 comment:

  1. Profound! Clear expression is the result of deep study. It is so$$$$ lucid. The proverbial third eye is the seat of wisdom born out of knowledge of truth regurgitated through meditation(Yoga or Dhyana Yoga also known as Rajayoga

    Raghavendra Garde


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