Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spirituality - The Silent Witness / आध्यात्मिकता - आत्म दृष्टा

Spirituality is an undefinable and yet seemingly desirable attribute due to its flora and fauna. Only the ignorance within each one of us tries to define and confine its inherent beauty and fragrance.

Spirituality seems to be undefinable, devoid of color, and incomparable attribute of human psyche. It is the inner experiential journey of reaching a stage of absolute contentment in which there remains absolutely no further Need in its garden of peace and tranquility.

At gut-root level, it seems to be dynamically changing with the emotional maturity of a human in order to become complete, as is Life's constant longing to fulfill itself.

Spirituality cannot be taught, ordained or imparted by any pulpit of scholarship and authority; for it stems solely from within individual consciousness, just as a Lotus flower stems out of landlocked lake filled with silt and mixed roots, and eventually blooms revealing its innate beauty and fragrance.

The root essence associated with the words such as Spirituality, Buddha, Christ, Allah and their equivalents in other languages simply implies awakening from within at an individual specific level. It is not an objective nor a subjective goal to chase endlessly like a mirage. It comes naturally as the Sun and Moon rise and set daily in due course of mutual timing without making any fuss or huff.

Our individual body is the home of Spirituality, a Temple, Church or Mosque. Spiritual Pilgrimage is an unconditional and stepless journey within.

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