Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Silent Witnesses

The silent witnesses are not the Three Wise Men of folklore antiquity that point their index finger way out yonder.

God is symbolic of the Grand Old Design that is timeless, invisible and unpatentable by any Patent Office. Yet for Centuries it has been marketed as a profitable commodity by self centered organisations calling themselves Religion in various English speaking regions of human civilisation. In other languages an equivalent terminology has masterminded similar marketing successes. As a result God has become the most profitable invisible commodity ever marketed commanding unparalleled profit margins. No MBA degree is required to successfully market the Grand Old Design which is never manufactured; yet its ancillary industries thrive unabatedly.

May the real God spirit rest in Peace because it has created an ingenious product named Human that takes care of its innumerable needs including fabricating Heaven and Hell to house all humans hereafter “ On the Other Side “.

However “ On This Side of Lfe “  there are some favorable things to be said about the humans.  Independently in a sense, the three human emotions of Introspection, Devotion and Spirituality are silent witnesses and not self serving ornamental statements nor separate objectives to be achieved in life. The sincerity of these three emotions in tranquility condense as all inclusive Universal awareness in which humanity consciously merges All of these three emotions represent self prompted inner disciplines; directing to the stepless journey within ourselves. In the ultimate Bliss of being and becoming, no further need remains. In another expression, when me bondages of me and mine disappear, so do all attachments and as a result eternal Bliss descends within ourselves.

Tsunami makes a human run away seeking refuge and safety. Whereas in Bliss a human readily submerges, completely dissolves, and becomes wholesome as self fulfilled identity devoid of any physicalities of body, mind, intellect and attachments. At that point the duality between Human and God disappears. Both become identical Grand Old Designs.

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