Sunday, March 5, 2017

America at the CrossRoadas

06 March, 2017

Irrespective of its own position or disposition, demeanor or misdemeanor, every individual, society as well as a nation frequently comes to a crossroad of unreason, reason, and wisdom. The choice and its consequence determines its destiny.  Destiny is never ordained by any invisible Force.

Self earned destiny has brought America today at the crossroads of judgmental Unreason, Reason and Wisdom. Guided by the stable foundation and values of Democratic Governance, there is hope that Wisdom will prevail.

Wisdom is not a Book of verses and ordained commandments. Wisdom condenses as Dewdrops from the prevailing environment.  

With the ever prevailing winds of constant change, an ever whelming appetite for more and more of everything from toys to tanks, private residence to super shelter, one horsepower buggy to 350 HP automobiles, level stomach to ballooning and bloating stomach, dreams to super dreams, jeans to geopolitical tap dancing skills including eves dropping, wire tapping, hacking, droning sophistication to idiocracies, and all other excesses of life itself, America finds itself once again at the crossroads of unreason, reason and wisdom. In this relentless quest, America is not alone; instead the whole humanity has become symbolism of excesses.

Bear in mind that Rome was not built in a Day, nor did it self destruct in a day ~~

Condensing Dewdrops from the environment, and tiny droplets of water separating from the Niagara Falls is the reason that a beautiful Rainbow flashes across the full width of the Niagara Falls; reminding everyone of the responsibility, respect and gratitude owed to the environment of all inclusive thinking, reason and wisdom.

In the context of the Civil War, Lincoln also memorialized the sacrifices of those who gave their lives at Gettysburg and extolled virtues for the listeners (and the nation) to ensure the survival of America's representative democracy: that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from ...

Gettysburg speech

The above words of President Abraham Lincoln  ring true today and for ever irrespective of individual party affiliations and its ido crisis. The interest of global Humanity comes first and foremost.

Today in the 21st Century, it is not just one SuperPower but the entire global community that is at the Crossroads of self incriminating psychological environment. No one lives alone in the home of humanity. Every component of Life is always interdependent.

An ever increasing demand on the natural global resources is being driven primarily by greed and ego of mankind. The consistently growing demand and supply is self incriminating and self destructive. When humanity does not take care or responsibility for it, the forces of Nature eventually Do. This is equally true in the case of each individual while approaching the CrossRoads like a Tsunami: begging Universal Wisdom to prevail.

Universal Wisdom is not a Book.

The CrossRoads of Unreason, Reason and Wisdom

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