Sunday, March 19, 2017

“ The-Four-Stages-of-Life ( FSL) “


Read with interest Mark Manson’s lucid composition on “ The-Four-Stages-of-Life ( FSL) “.  

The FSL is the trap in which each newborn infant finds itself tumbling into right after ejecting itself out of its Mother's womb. That is by far a natural delivery of every living species. The infant’s eyes cannot see clearly at that moment due to the smeared Placenta on face and limbs are not functional and self serving as yet. Nature willing, the rest of the journey called Life is FSL, which becomes an exclusive individual specific journey. No two journeys are alike even in the case of seemingly identical twins. A self educational documentary titled " The 9 Months that Made Us " makes it abundantly clear through the evolutionary DNA ( biological identity ) studies.
In this context on a complementary philosophical plane, the wisdom communicated through the words of Kahlil Gibran is priceless for Parents and consequently for their Children as well to enable both blossom in Life :

Kahlil Gibran On Children -

On Children Kahlil Gibran. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from ….
Leaning on my farming skills of 84 years, I am venturing to dig into Mark’s ploughing field of FSL.

I have found Mark’s composition bearing fuzzy boundaries of demarcation amongst the FSL, which is to be expected because Life after all seems to be Fuzzy Logic, and it gets fuzzier when we simply try to intellectualise it rather than metabolising it with the universal wisdom radiated through timeless Sages and Seers. The Sages and Seers are those amongst us, ever present in the past as well as present, that rise above the norms of the dynamics of Life and successfully embrace and transcend the Consciousness of very existence. Success in this context is an undefinable and unconfined attribute, unlike success in Life which is defined and choreographed by imitating adults in vicinity right from infancy, and later Gobbling up voluminous books or Googling state of the art of thinking, predicting, and forecasting. The FSL invariably manifest as the struggle of birthing through the Birth Canal deciding Head first or Butt first, and subsequently busting Ass through FSL trying to define yourself through the process of chasing the mirage of earning name, fame, success, identity and its Legacy to leave behind. Ultimately in the absence or the disappearance of our physicality and its associated attributes/faculties such as Brain, Mind, and Intellect, the long subscribed Legacy through FSL sublimates like Iodine or Mercury; transforming from its solid state directly into vapor phase, without melting or boiling.

Only the ageless wisdom of the Universal Womb, that condenses through the introspections of its Sages and Seers guides us with its ever present blessings while transitioning through and beyond FSL. The Sages and Seers internalise but not Prophesize.

Through " The Constant Balancing Act " of the Artistic and Scientific faculties within ourselves, condenses the introspective universal wisdom. The two halves of our Brain represent our Artistic and Scientific faculties, while the Pituitary gland in between the two halves constantly tries to balance the two faculties.

The silent blessings of the Saints and Sages for the all inclusive environment is a force that transcends all barriers either visible or invisible. Similarly, Mother’s ever present empathetic blessings for her children is a precious gift to cherish; for in it lies the true “ Literacy of Life “, It is neither the Alphabet nor the Arithmetic of Life.

With humanity’s limited experience of self evolution on planet Earth, it tries to communicate the wisdom of universal Consciousness through mediums such as the Celestial dance of legendary Shiva, or through the locally prevalent legends of Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and innumerable others bearing witness to the local colors and shades of self assuring beliefs. It behooves reminding ourselves " Judge not anyone as your prerogative, lest you be judged in turn; perpetuating the self incriminating Ping-Pong game of self ignorance through the millennia. " Modern world is constant silent witness to it.

Arshi, with this commentary related to Mark’s composition titled Four Stages of Life, I rest my Finger Tap Dancing (FTD) on the keypad of my Desktop.

My eternal Gratitude to the Magnification factor provision in the computer Software, which enables me to more clearly view and review my thoughts in spite of my limiting vision.

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