Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Genghis Khan’s Symbol of victory

Flock of hair from his horse’s mane anchored at the base of his Spearhead was Genghis Khan’s banner for ultimate Victory.
Died: August 18, 1227, Western Xia
He did not believe in anything or anyone else except himself.
As a supreme conqueror, reportedly at his discretion, no one was ever allowed to paint his portrait nor sculpt his image while he lived; and after death, he was to be buried in an undisclosed and unidentifiable location so that he may disappear in the vast lands of his homeland known as Mongolia. He was a Moghul.
As I write this epilogue on Genghis Khan ( GK ), I feel like a historian of conscious awareness.
Ever since his childhood, GK was not schooled in any knowledge of his times, nor did he care to learn. He believed in nothing except himself and his power of intuition. He obliterated anything that came in his own way of life. That was his total faith throughout his lifetime.
With his sheer innate and self-developed skills, he defeated everyone stronger than him and with his well disciplined army won every empire stronger than his own. His fate was designed or determined by his own free will, as broadcasted audibly by his whole Life. He died as he wanted, unidentified physically but identified only by the spirit of his victories. Hearsay, he did talk about his soul-Spirit and eloquently separated it from his physical body. At the end, he tendered his body to his homeland, where it came from.
Consequently every historical story and images of GK are myths. But he was a real human who lived his life the way he wanted… a victorious entity. The only symbol of that victorious faith is his spear with the flock of his horse's natural hair on it.
After his death, every existing religious faith of his time has tried in vain to attach its own name to his victorious Brand so well known even today as Genghis Khan (GK).  He claimed to be only a Moghul from Mongolia, his homeland.
There is a Genghis Khan ever present in each one of us, always desirous of Victory over Life in our own individual specific ways. GK did not dream it. He was Victory in every grain of his being and remained unconquered.
Symbolism has a far deeper meaning than Life itself.

Image of Genghis Khan without a clear picture of his Spear with a flock of his horse’s hair  is only a mythical composition of human Ego.

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