Thursday, November 17, 2016

Duality of Existence

We are from the Sea and of the Sea Consciousness, yet feel separate from it and constantly in search of our true self-identity.
During early childhood, I was always fascinated by the pictures of mermaids. I imagined them to be real and dreamt of meeting and touching one of them for obvious reasons !
During the summer of 1963 out of sheer curiosity I travelled around the world as a bachelor from Chicago to Chicago covering about 19 countries. Geography being my most favorite subject throughout school years, I dreamt of seeing, smelling and touching the world with my own senses. Thanks with sheer gratitude to my Geography teacher in highschool, Mr. M. R. Bhide at Hadas Highschool, Nagpur. India.
The first day after reaching Copenhagen, Denmark, I took a traditional conducted bus tour of Copenhagen city. The tour started out with a visit to the breathless beauty of Copenhagen harbour. The tour guide pointed out to the sculpture of a Mermaid atop a pile of rocks. She has been sitting there for the past 60 years keeping an eye on the harbor,  said the tour guide. And she is still alive. I asked him, is it possible to visit her. Of course, he said. We are going to see her during this tour today. I was delighted.
After lunch break, we visited a group of seamstresses clustered in a room knitting Crochet art work. The tour guide said to me, the girl who modelled for the Mermaid sculpture at the age of 17 is sitting there. He pointed his finger at her. I said Hello to her and she waved back with a broad smile aging around 90. I requested the tour guide to tell her in her language that I have been looking forward to meet her ever since childhood. She blushed. These are happy coincidences of life. Today as I write this, I am 85 and still vividly remember her smile with twinkling eyes.
Down below is her immortal memory carved in my heart.  
The Mermaid at Copenhagen Hagen harbor, Denmark

Mermaid is a duality of reality !

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