Saturday, November 12, 2016

Homecoming and Thanksgiving

Homecoming is a trail of conscious foot prints, without an invitation. It is the natural instinct’s need to fulfill itself.  Womb, home and childhood is a heartwarming landscape of unconditional affection.
भूगर्भ, घर और बचपन, वात्सल्यरुप प्रेम की अमर कहानी होती है।  
The journey of human life and conflict constantly yearns for an innate desire nursed by its natural instincts to merge with its absolute source.  Human intellect fails to identify it. However, the instinct innately knows that it’s real home and source is not a landscape of real estate with a name or form.
Ultimately through introspection devoid of the material body along with its brick and mortar, human instinct experiences its source as pure, all pervasive, eternal Consciousness. Its eternal nature implies endlessness, without a beginning. This seems to be the consistent prompt of every self enlightened Saint through the history of time.
Irrespective of which national calendar date we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, the essential spirit and fragrance of Homecoming and Thanksgiving is an expression of sheer Gratitude to our cosmic source.  
Every dawn effortlessly radiates its Grace.
God is not the owner of the real estate called Heaven. God is symbolic of all pervasive eternal Consciousness. The boundless Cosmos is its manifestation.
The picture above seems to radiate the Grace of Dawn preceding Sunrise.
Initiating the day with Gratitude, the period of Dawn is the most desired Yoga time in which to seek harmonious union with the Cosmic wisdom or Consciousness. In total union with it, there is no one apart to thank.

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