Saturday, March 30, 2019

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch.  

Flying Elephant and dancing Donkey, each one claims to to be an angelic savior for modernity that is suffering the discord of constant  change; the mutual discord between spouses, nations, the devil and the divine.
The mutual anger of discord spews out like the Lava spreading indiscriminate  destruction in all directions.
The Disunited Nations Organization ( DNO ) claims to offer global peaceful solutions through establishing  Lines Of Control ( LOC ) and constructing impenetrable walls.

In the process of evolution of species, the Biology of Nature ensures provision of Anus as the very first organ. Consequently, each human, as it grows up, bears and becomes a bigger Asshole ( in American lingua ) or Donkey. On the other hand, Elephant seems to have a dysfunctionality of mindless appetite for expansion.
Politics appears to be a perennial song and dance of ambiguous choices and steps.
Lacking the rhythm and harmony of life, the two party politics of constant balancing act inadvertently becomes a Tango of constantly stepping on each others feet !
The twinkling stars of the Star Spangled Banner are constant witness to the audacity and credibility of the flying Elephant and the dancing Donkey.

Concluding :  With malice towards none and nursing nascent curiosity for the dynamics of life, seems to enhance  individual perceptions of life and the multi colored canvas of a piece of humanity named America.
Judge not the others lest you be judged in return ,  seems to be the simple self-enriching Guru Mantra for America in constant transition like every other global entity.  
Our Father in Heaven, time, and distance seem to remain ever elusive and undefinable concepts and aspirations.   

Being an idealised American is a national aspiration; whereas becoming innately self-contented  is a universal aspiration ro cherish and fully blossom in life; for it is life’s longing for itself.


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Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....