Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Constant Balancing Act of Diabetes

Grace stems from within and does not shower or snow down from the skies, prompts my Diabetes as my partner over the past 40 years of my life so far.

As my eyesight has diminished progressively over the past 25 years, Nature continues to provide me with coping and compensating mechanisms to move on with my journey productively. My passions have shifted from outdoors to indoors within the comfort zone of our Igloo.

Our three sons are constantly updating me on the efficient use of Computers to indulge in my newfound passion named Writing. I can no longer read my own handwritten stuff on paper, I can only read on the computer screen what I type on the keyboard with my two dancing fingers on the keyboard. With the use of Magnification of script and pictures coupled with audio, I can see, sense, and enjoy the texture of Life .

Both of my eyes have developed Cataracts as is expected at my age of 85, and topping that the blood veins in my eyes leak often causing additional blurriness. But with the provision of the magnification factor on the screen, I can continue with my passion of writing which accelerates and decelerates depending on the degree of blurriness. However, the vision of one eye is constantly compensating for the other eye without distracting my attention in writing. Writing has become my mode of meditation during which my mind is focussed like a sharp laser.

Through writing, I am constantly discovering and understanding myself in a world of constant change.

Me, my Curiosity and my Diabetes have come to respect each other in innumerable ways.

The handy and warm touch of my wife, children, and our only 5-year old Granddaughter  continues to direct my steps in the right direction… constantly compensating.

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