Wednesday, November 9, 2016

US Presidential Election of 2016

“ The David and mighty Goliath story - 01 “ that we read during childhood seems to manifest itself in various different forms, time and time again.
From one perspective, politically a little but strong kid named Donald Trump has triumphed today over a huge entrenched bureaucracy represented by the hierarchical background of Hillary (Hill-a-ry).
It appears that of necessity, bureaucracy is manifestation of perpetuated Kinsmanship, and the dynamics of dynastic control.
In the final election victory, Trump seems to represent a one man crusade against huge bureaucracy at both corporate as well as national levels. His own National Republican Party did not actively support him, but only his well earned voter’s confidence did.
Through his victory today in ascending to the Presidency of USA, Trump seems to have displayed the super skill of accurately hitting the mighty bureaucratic Bull’s eye with his sling to gain victory.
In recent past, a seemingly new kid on the political block by the name of Narendra Modi surprised his Nation, India, by getting elected through democratic process to become the Chief Minister of Gujarath state and subsequently Prime Minister of India. He has successfully fought the huge entrenched bureaucracy of Indian politics. His victory has been more remarkable because as a youthful kid he sold Tea out of his father’s restaurant as well as on trains. Yet he has acquired the Literacy of Life to earn credibility by serving his fellow countrymen.

History is the ultimate judge of the Present.

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