Monday, November 28, 2016

The Glamorous Role of the Media

The glamorous role of the Media started right from the births of the Prophet's Avatar ( अवतार / appearance  ) and the prophecies therefrom .     
Through every pore (opening) of the human body oozes out media Politics.The sizes of pores range from the smallest sweat glands to Nose, Ears and the yet larger size mouth and the Ass’Ole along with their respective odor.  Each pore bears its own footprint.   
Traditionally bogged down with impaired vision, the Media as well as Politicians can only see the transient clouds floating overhead and miss the beauty and infinite wisdom of the deep blue sky beyond.  

The duet of Mind and Heart has been described as the axis of discriminating powers, while only through a cultivated faculty named Silence condenses self assuring Wisdom of equanimity.

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