Tuesday, February 7, 2017


The words old, new and newer only refer to relativity of time. Time seems to exist only in space of human conscious awareness.

Traditionally or culturally bound human seems to be perennially blind to the realities of existence and constantly chases the mirage of possibilities that lie ahead to quench its thirst. While a camel rider chases the mirage looking for an Oasis of water, his Camel bearing the Master’s load, meditates silently masticating the food and water stored within itself.

Testament is a testimony that human pursues with blinded faith to be convinced by a living proof.

The reality of existence clearly perceptible through its varied colors and shades like a Star lit sky, the Rainbow and the Dew Drops is the only convincing proof that is needed to quench the insatiable human thirst of being and becoming our own complete and nameless Self.

The humility of low lying Oceans, the sands of Time, and the snow peaked Mountain ranges bear witness to it all on planet Earth.  These are the genuine and timeless Testaments that need no testimony nor proof; no intermediary Prophet nor prophesy with a new Star appearing in the sky.

Each one of us human is not necessarily a traditional worshipper of the heavenly God to overcome the fear of the imaginary Hell. However, each and every human is innately a true Seeker of the eternal and indescribable Truth from which we emerge and eventually merge back into it in a blissful state of consciousness. Linguistic terms such as Grace, Nirvana ( निर्वाण ), Ek Onkar Satnam ( रक ओंकार सतनाम ), Sat-chit-ananda-swaroop ( सत - चित्त - आनंद - स्वरूप ) are some of the several expressions for the inner experience of the universal Truth.

Removed from our individual specific body and material attachments, what we vainly try to describe as the Self, Soul and Truth only condense within us as an individual specific inner experience. Any words, testaments or miracles seem to become irrelevant in the process of seeking our complete immutable self identity. A genuine appreciation of Arts and Music seems to have the capacity to condense the all inclusive universal wisdom of our innate, and all inclusive universal identity.  Ultimately what we seek as the Literacy of Life condenses effortlessly within the silence and balance of our very being and captures the essential spirit of our inalienable universal identity with our one and only Source.  
The following pictures of the self balancing rocks arranged patiently by artist Grab seems to be a depiction suggesting “ The Constant Balancing Act “ in which each element of the Cosmos is interrelated and dependant on each other.

In the photos below, Grab spends several minutes nearly frozen, making tiny adjustments until he gets all of the rocks’ centers of gravity just right..
“Over the past few years of practicing rock balance, simple curiosity has evolved into therapeutic ritual, ultimately nurturing meditative presence, mental well-being, and artistry of design,” writes Grab in his artist statement.



Image result for images of star studded deep blue sky

Here we are the earthly living species, constantly gazing at the deep blue sky and wondering who am I, in the context of the dynamics of an ever changing universe ? The wisdom of timeless ages and space prompts that the one and only answer stems from within ourselves as an individual specific inner experience at the most appropriate moment.

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