Monday, February 6, 2017

Meditation is not a Circus

06 Feb. 2017

Meditation is not a Circus
Any attempt to define the undefinable tends to confine it with the limitations of human ignorance and inexperience.

Meditation is not a self exalting ritual of sitting in a lotus or pyramid position in an effort to embrace silence while expecting that some so-called spiritual benefit accrues. Expectation and attachment of any sort seems to be a deterrent to an inner self-enriching experience.

Every time we fall asleep naturally, is an effortless inner experience. In the state of deep sleep devoid of any dreams and thoughts, we find ourselves neither here, there or anywhere else. In short we are totally absent from ourselves. In that state of deep sleep, the only thing that exists is our breath and its automatic natural rhythm. It is the Cosmic rhythm, which is the Source of our being here.

Deep sleep or unconsciousness as described above, which is a daily effortless inner experience, seems to be a close way to describe the state of mind and Meditation in which we become totally detached from our own bodily Self.

When we achieve the above state of thoughtlessness  while fully awake and alert, that may be described as Meditation. It is achievable and happens only after human body is trained and self disciplined with the rhythm of breath, which is not a circus. That effort has been identified as the self-discipline of Yoga and Pranayam. It is solely an inner journey or pilgrimage.

Removed from our individual specific body and material attachments, what we vainly try to describe as the Self, Soul and Truth only condense within us as an individual specific inner experience. Any words, testaments or miracles seem to become irrelevant in the process of seeking our complete, immutable and universal self identity.

A genuine appreciation of Arts and Music seems to have the capacity to condense the all inclusive universal wisdom of our innate universal identity.  Ultimately what we seek as the “ Literacy of Life “ condenses effortlessly within the silence and balance of our very being and captures the essential spirit of our inalienable universal identity with our one and only Source.  
The following pictures of the self balancing rocks arranged patiently by artist Grab seems to be a depiction suggesting “ The Constant Balancing Act “ in which each element of the Cosmos is interrelated and dependant on each other. No one ever exists alone.

In the photos below, Grab spends several minutes nearly frozen, making tiny adjustments until he gets all of the rocks’ centers of gravity just right.
“Over the past few years of practicing rock balance, simple curiosity has evolved into therapeutic ritual, ultimately nurturing meditative presence, mental well-being, and artistry of design,” writes Grab in his artist statement.


  1. what is meditation is lucidly and comprehensively explained with an amazing photo to boot
    Meditation is truly a personal and yet a universal experience of What is
    Raghavendra Garde

  2. what is meditation is lucidly and comprehensively explained with an amazing photo to boot
    Meditation is truly a personal and yet a universal experience of What is
    Raghavendra Garde


Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....