Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dimensionless Meditative Realisation

Dimensionless Meditative Realisation

Meditation is not an intellectual pursuit nor search of a proof for something or an abstract idea. in its core essence, it seems to be  about fully feeling our own presence in our own time and space  while being fully alert and experiencing total absence of ourself; devoid of our mind and body complex.

Meditation is a progressive individual specific inner experience that cannot be shared intellectually, nor described with futile words of our own imagination and their obvious limitations.  A word or language is only an empty cauldron that emits much sound. An inner experience is silent and solely a self enriching experience of every selfless Seeker. It condenses effortlessly as the Grace of a Dewop.  

Meditation brings one to the fact that only All pervading consciousness is the absolute reality. The process is unique individual specific but the realisation is universal
… commented Mr, Raghavendra Garde of Pune.

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