Monday, February 20, 2017

Important Mobile Numbers

Important Mobile Numbers


Some important numbers for English speaking people bearing 26 Alphabets. Each Alphabet is assigned a consecutive increasing number; for example A = 1 and Z = 26. Please dial in the order given below:

National access Code =  00
City Code = HEAVEN = 85122514
Actual Number = GOD = 7154

I have been calling this number ever since childhood and whenever I ran into trouble of my own making. The above number does ring loud and clear, but no one ever answers the Mobile Phone.

However, when I dial the other number:
National Access Code = 000
City code = HELL = 751212\
Actual Number = DEVIL = 4522921
This number always answers and says “ Welcome, How may I be of help Sir ? By the way, the Party is in full swing and crowded….In the background of the voice, I can always hear swinging music.
I have been told and cautioned not to talk to this second number! Always wondered why ?

I have always liked parties and fun. I have also been told that in HEAVEN everyone thinks and acts the same boring and pious ways !

Oh ! My blue light Angel, I beg of you to help and guide me !

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