Saturday, February 11, 2017

Consciousness Spreads in all Directions from its Source

Consciousness Spreads in all Directions from its Source

The above title is a sentence we heard today in Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Youtube presentation  titled “ Finding Your Purpose “ .  This presentation is so self enriching that it was compelling to write about it.. This video presentation promises to dig deep into the imagination of folks ranging from 15 to 90 +. Covered in this presentation are :

  1. The Genocide in Rwanda, Africa in which  approx. One million people of one ethnicity were hacked to death with mostly Machetes by an opposing ethnicity. The minority Tutsis were slaughtered by the majority Hutus. That was in the 20th Century.  The basic poignant story of such reality is no different than what is going on currently in the 21st Century. Only the shades of atrocities differ in their intensities vary. The egotistic and manipulating Politician ever present within each one of us is vainly self asserting that “ We are more civilized than them “ and the game of duality goes on unabashedly.   

During the early stillness of the genocide in Rwanda, one girl belonging to the  Tutsi ethnicity attending college at that time had returned home honoring the request of her parents to come home. She is now the sole and miraculous survivor of her family and the village after suffering through the excruciating genocide. Her poignant story is now in a Book authored by her in English. Her book effort was supported by United Nations Organization.  She claims no religion of her own except her own living experiences, and the timeless wisdom of ages, sages and seers condensing within her. Some religious fraternities naturally claim her now as their own!! That is the politics of religion that is clearly audible and easy to smell.

What is truly breath taking and humbling is her personal presence in the 20, 000 + audience in Dr. Dyer’s presentation. Her humble voice, demeanor, speech and very presence lights up the heart of every listener of all ages. She and her presence is the real authentic Book. Through her gentle voice and speech,  we begin to sense the self enriching dimensions of “ Forgiveness “.
Summarising her extraordinary life experiences to date and their outcome,  Dr. Dyer concluded “ Consciousness simultaneously spreads in all directions from its Source”
  1. In the same audience was a teen ager invited as a guest attendee that inspires and lights up listeners hearts with his wisdom.
  2. In addition there are several other related features in Dr. Dyer;s presentation that are for listeners of all ages,  irrespective of ethnicity, to soak up.
Pasted below is the link for the above presentation of Late Dr. Wayne Dyer which is titled “ Finding Your Purpose “. Dr. Dyer was not a Religious Preacher of any Brand, but simply a self enriched Noble human being of his own making. Now, he rests in eternal Peace of his own accord.

आत्मज्ञान के अनुभूती को आझमाकर , आज डॉक्टर वेन डायर खुदके आत्मबोध अथवा शांतीवन को प्राप्त हो गये  हैं।  

This kind of dedicated and elf enriching lifestyle of the Tutsi lady, survivor of the Rwandan genocide, and Dr. Wayne Dyer may be termed as the true and meaningful  “ Literacy of Life “ .

Finding Your Purpose - Wayne Dyer - YouTube

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