Thursday, February 16, 2017

In Praise of Healthy Self Criticism

Image -  An Indian artist’s depiction of a harmonious blend and balance of inhately half male and half female faculties of a full person.

Human Ego never permits self criticism. It only deals with gratification from doled Self-praise and acknowledgements. Ego represents the masculine aggressive tendencies of human behavior lacking the tender female faculty. Only a harmonious balance between the two halves,  male and female faculties, makes a human complete. Completeness is a natural thirst of human existence, which is obscured by the ego.

This morning I saw an email forwarded to me bearing the title “ HINDUISM ​is the origin of all religions : Top 10 Excavations worldwide prove : Video : I did not have to read or see beyond the title because I sensed the mighty personal excavated ego pouring out of it.  Hinduism or any other Ism, irrespective of its age, is simply a way of experiencing Life and not to prove or disprove anything.

No single philosophy of life, religion or self fabricated God and Heaven is superior than others. That is simply because there is only One without the other and it exists soulfully without a Book of Testament, Revelation or Veda of any Ism. No logical or scientific proof for it is ever necessary simply because it is an inner experience.  

Religious terrorism and consequential anti-terrorism for appropriate response has become the norm of human psyche globally in modern era, while humanity blatantly claims and justifies the mirage called  prosperity. All religions as practiced today have become bastions or edifices of ego driven self ignorance, blind faith, and either profit-eering or prophet-eering. As a consequence human’s humanity is missing from it. The same thought as expressed in other languages:
इंसान की इंसानियत, क्या हो गई भगवान ?
मानवाची माणुसकी इतक्या अधोगतीला कां लागली आहे देवा ?
ह अल्लाह परवरदिगार, ये जिंदगी इतनी क्यों खुदसे खफाह हो गई है ?

Some sense of truism condenses from what we hear, see and experience:

* “ He created and afterwards entered into it “.... a quote from Upanishads probably suggesting the energy of the Creator and its Creation.
* All written books of knowledge glamorised as Veda, Vedanta, Bible, Koran, Ahura Mazda and similar others are a depository of mundane and spiritual knowledge - vidya and science (avidya)....  All of these books may have pat answers to all pertinent questions of Life and hereafter. However, simply enjoying the beauty, and fragrance of barefooted walk on dew laden grass at dawn reveals the enduring magic of Life.  

* A quote suggested “ Nature is a Reflection of God.  To enjoy Nature is to enjoy God.  They are one and the same “.  

No religious or academic Bullshxx seems necessary beyond this simplicity.  Meditative introspection provides the vision of the Third Eye, which is a symbolism for the ability to perceive Life just as it is devoid of all bodily attachments or physicalities.

Summarising : Ageless wisdom of Sages and Seers suggests that each human becomes complete from within only when the male and female instinctive faculties inherently present in the psyche achieve a harmonious balance within. Sanskrit language identifies this person as  a Purush ( पुरुष ) or Purshottam ( पुरषोत्तम ).  It represents the ultimate state of self enlightenment.

Image - An Italian sculpture exhibited in Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad, India

The above sculpture depicts the universal idea of a whole person being a harmonious balance and integration of innate male and female instincts. The front view of the sculpture depicts a fully armoured battle ready soldier, while its rear view reflected in the mirror fully incorporates a gentle womanhood in all of its splendorous beauty.  You have to personally view this lifesize sculpture to fully appreciate it.

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