Sunday, February 19, 2017

Memory and the Monkey inside our Mind

Memory and the Monkey inside our Mind

Welcome to the world of the Chimps and the Apes timelessly imitating or mirroring each other.

During childhood the alphabet A stands for Apple or Adam. During the greying years, the same alphabet reminds us of AlZheimer's. Our perceptions change as we constantly change and so does our outer and inner vision of our multidimensional Self.  

Adults casually say, I do not remember. A three star General assuming a responsible political position in the recently elected US Government got fired for saying so casually. Some individuals claim that they do not remember their childhood. Some claim that they suffer from a malady called “ Excessive Memory Retention ( EMR) because it bothers their inner emotional peace and tranquility, while others feel that EMR is a blessing in disguise.

Personally, I have an unforgettable and pleasant memory of my childhood during the age range of 5 to 8. At that time, my younger brother Surendra was 4 to 6 year old. He was barely one year and eight months younger than me. So we hung on together most of the time. While our three older siblings lived with our maternal Grandparents in Nagpur for their education, me and Surendra lived with our parents in Jagdalpur, Bastar where our father was Headmaster of the Grigson High School. We lived in the official bungalow of the school Headmaster located within the spacious 5-acre land which included five school buildings besides residential hostel for out of town students, some staff quarters and two full football grounds side by side. Our house was located adjacent to the football grounds.

Bastar, by virtue of being thickly forested environment was blessed with plenty of annual rainfall. During the rainy and chilly months of July to December, there were several pleasantly moist mornings when the grass on the playgrounds adjacent to our house was laden with Dew of the Dawn hours along with thick fog hanging in the air.  The ambience of that environment begged us to walk barefooted on the wet grass lawns. So Surendra and me would often step out barefooted to tread the lawns. As we wandered leisurely and aimlessly on the spacious grounds, we could feel the moist fog embracing and kissing us profusely.  As the morning hours rolled effortlessly, we watched with curiosity the dense fog gradually thin as the initial gentle sun rays peeped through the fog. Around those moments, a beautiful Rainbow would span across the width of the playgrounds. That was a scene to behold and those beautiful memories still hang on crystal clear even today, 84 years later! I am sure that while we brothers hung around together on the grounds, our Mother was keeping an eye on us from the house wondering what the kids are up to!  Those experiences seem like countless blessings and lifelong precious assets to behold and to cherish. This is the simple reason why the words Dawn, Dew and Rainbow frequently visit my writings even through my greying years.

Modern Science has revealed that each one of us comes into this world bearing a memorable imprint called the DNA in every cell of our body, which is our Biological identity spanning the entire span of our individual specific evolutionary memory.  We carry this memory permanently and effortlessly in our individual specific DNA. No two humans bear an identical DNA.  Each one of us is born unique. Needless to say that our root identity is not as a Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or a Copycat. Each life on planet Earth including every living species comes into this world  as a child of Nature and is innately connected with each other as well as the environment that nurtures us. The only thing larger than life seems to be the human Ego, which seems insoluble in most commonly known mediums. The only medium that seems to be capable of dissolving it over a period of time is “ Meditative Introspection “.  

Dr. Brian Weiss is a veteran practicing Psychiatrist who credits that he has learnt about the newer dimensions of Life and Memories through his patients direct inner experiences.  In the following You Tube Dr. Weiss guides a willing listener through gentle Yoga meditation technique. It is like visiting and relaxing in the garden of peace and tranquility of our imagination. It is not about any blind faith, assumptions and presumptions. Click on the Link below for your own silent and self invigorating experience.

Brian Weiss: Past-Life Regression Session - YouTube
Nov 19, 2012 - Uploaded by Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Author of the best-selling Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss, MD, has a lifetime of work that reveals the ...

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