Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Defining the Undefinable

28 Feb. 2017

Defining the Undefinable

Humans are pathological self deceits in trying to
define and confine the incomprehensible within the outer limits or stretches of self ignorance. Humans love to take a stand on the pulpit of knowledge based solely on Googled and merely Gobbled up information and dole it out to the eager gullibles. Information thus received, often remains knowledge devoid of introspection and inner experience.

Googled and merely Gobbled up information without introspection tends to cause constipation of the mind, diarrhea of the mouth, and promotes irregularities of the bowels. Introspection which is alternately interpreted as Meditation is not a religious or spiritual endeavor; instead it is Life’s nascent longing to experience its fullness or completeness within itself. Life is not a commandment delivered from a mountain top; instead it is like a Dewdrop that condenses naturally out of the existing environment.

God, heaven, hell, spirituality, soul, piousness, sainthood, sin, cosmos and the like are some of the commonly used and misused words in the English language that are tossed out for the grabs, while the pulpit seems to authoritatively define it within the confines of its self ignorance.

Intuition seems to be a cultivated habit of perception without attachment to any preconceived ideas and notions.

Wisdom seems to condense naturally and momentarily akin to a Dewdrop or a Rainbow out of the environment without a word nor a sound in the silence of our conscious awareness.

Consciousness or all inclusive cosmic awareness is the undefinable reality of existence; all that we see and perceive; that does not need any proof nor a definition.

An introspective individual attains the undefinable Sainthood entirely through the spirit of unconditional service to humanity and Life, and not because of any stated objective, magic or miracles witnessed and approved by any gullible House of Religion.

This composition is dedicated to everyone who will dare to be born on 29th February, 2017 ! He/she will have to be a Messiah or Prophet of our imagination, and a new bright star may appear in the deep blue night sky to celebrate the arrival.

Image result for the star in the sky at birth of jesus

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