Tuesday, February 14, 2017

गुरु और सद्गुरु

गुरु का मतलब है ज्ञान प्रधान, और सद्गुरू अबुभूती अथवा अंतर्यामी अनुभवच का माध्यम और उसकी परिभाषा है।  

A Guru teaches and guides a willing learner the methodology, tools and self discipline to absorb the flavor of knowledge which has condensed through ages, sages and seers. Guru presents the universal knowledge in simple daily common language to gradually transform a common individual into a self reliant learner ( स्वयंसेवक ) ; detached from blind presumptions and assumptions.

सद्गुरूं, शिष्य के पाए ज्ञान को आत्म जागृती स्वरूपमें परिवर्तन होनेकी दुवायें देता है. आत्मजागृती स्वरूप, खुदकी असली और अमूल्य वैश्विक पहचान होती है।  

Of necessity, Guru and सद्गुरू are both living individuals or living life experiences that channel plain knowledge/information coupled with self ignorance to transform itself into universal wisdom.

The essence of the word सद्गुरू cannot be spelled or comprehended through English language because it spells as Sad Guru / दुःखी गुरु , which implies a commonly persistent self image !

सुखः और दुखः ये दोनो मनो अवस्थाऐं , खुदके ज्ञान और अज्ञान के रूप और स्वरुप भी हैं।  जो  आखोंसे दिखता है वो रूप होता है, और जो नजरिया से दिखता नहीं वो स्वरुप होता है।  
हरेक जीव की स्थापना, माँ के गर्भ कोषमें होती है जब momentarily the Ovarian egg is fertilised by a male sperm. स्थापना का मतलब है, जिस क्षणमें जीवन ऊर्जा स्वयम अण्डकोषमें प्रवेश करती है. In other words, when the ovarian egg is momentarily fertilized by a male sperm. Humans do not have the capacity to define or capture that moment. Scientific Ego and the so called political morality vainly tries to define and redefine the inception of life in the fertilised egg .

ऊपर प्रस्तुत किये दृष्टिकोणसे, हरेक जीव के लिए नैसर्गिक माँ का गर्भ सर्व प्रथम सद्गुरु स्वरुप होता है. क्योंकी इस स्थिति में आंखोंकी दृष्टी अथवा नजरिया नही होती। और माँ के गर्भसे बाहर आनेके बाद, बाल्य अवस्थामें माँ ही सद्गुरु रूप होती है।  

Comprehension of Universal Wisdom refuses to be captured by any word of human expression, because it is soulfully only an inner experience. It is unconditionally available to every genuine Seeker of its infinite and boundless potential identical to its Source.   

A tiny droplet of water separates momentarily from the mighty Waterfall, bobs around merrily in the breeze of Life and subsequently rejoins the flow of Waterfall, its original Source. The waterfall accepts it back unconditionally, like a Mother embraces her infant.

The colorful Rainbow spanning across the waterfall on a clear sunny day reveals the beauty and wisdom of existence. The Grace or सद्गुरु की दुवाएं equally reveal all that we need to know about ourselves in the context of the ever changing Universe outside of us as well as within us and realise that both the seemingly different universes are identical...reveal the words of Vedanta philosophy of Life.

Inspirational vs Actualized Discourses:
In the modern age, there are self labeled Gurus and सद्गुरू delivering discourses globally by floating around via planes and airwaves such as Internet Yourubes. Spiritually thirsty audience around the Globe has easy access to them and vise versa.

Ultimately a genuine Seeker of universal wisdom is able to distinguish the subtle difference between a Guru and सद्गुरू by the fragrance of their discourse. A Guru’s discourse serves as an Inspirational guiding light, whereas सद्गुरू discourse is self enriched actualised Silence within. Both discourses are complementary to each other.

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