Saturday, March 25, 2017

Meditation is not a Statement

Meditation is an effortless and stepless descent within ourselves in a self inviting atmosphere of peace and tranquility in which we become totally devoid of attachment to the past and present including the faculties of the body, mind and intellect; condensing effortlessly as a Dewdrop of pure Consciousness. Consciousness seems to be the undefinable and all inclusive Cosmic force.

Faith tries to move a mountain because it don't move. A baseless belief system constantly chases the mirage to quench the innate thirst of knowing our real self in the dynamics of the ever changing environment around ourselves.

No proof is ever necessary to prove nor define the changeless, which is the all encompassing Universal Truth; solely and soulfully an inner realisation.

In an identical sense Meditation, Devotion and Spirituality are silent witnesses and not self serving ornamental statements nor separate objectives to be achieved in life. The sincerity of these three emotions in tranquility condense as universal all-inclusive awareness in which we consciously merge. All of these three emotions represent self prompted inner disciplines; directing to the stepless journey within ourselves. In the ultimate bliss of being and becoming, no further need remains. In another expression, when me and mine mutually disappear, so do all attachments permitting eternal bliss to condense as a Dewdrop.

From a complementary perspective, Tsunami makes us run away seeking refuge and safety. Whereas in Bliss we readily submerge, completely dissolve, and become a self fulfilled identity devoid of any physicalities of body, mind, intellect and attachments.

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