Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Golden Book of Ignorance

Ignorance is understandable and redeemable; while at one level it is innocent simplicity itself in its nascent form.
Intelligence is understandable, adorable and holds potential for blossoming to its fullest potential unless restricted by self imposed limitations of ego.
Ego is understandable, but abrasive and irritable under most environmental conditions.
Humbleness is admirable and adorable but often prone to imitation by political minds and objectives.
Honest humbleness is Life seeking to fulfill itself.
Life is not an objective; it is an unconditional union within.  
Only self ignorance dares to define and confine Truth within the covers of the fat gold shaded “ Book of Ignorance “.
Truth can only be an individual specific realisation that condenses within our individual Self. Naturally, it is formless,  undefinable, omnipresent  without a beginning nor an end.

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