Thursday, March 30, 2017

We are a God Fearing Nation - The Big Deal !

A politician contesting for National leadership delivers a fashionable speech from the pulpit of politics claiming “ We are a God Fearing Nation “ . That pleases the voters that are habitually and blindly afraid of hypothetical God and themselves; a result of centuries of brainwashing by the pulpit of Religiosity. Fear seems to have become the predominant religious value cherished by humanity and defined by various names of bleeding shades.

For those who constantly look outside of themselves for answers about Life, perceive God as a SuperMan possessing all the attributes of a Masculine and many more undefined traits; akin to chasing a mirage for quenching a quaint and excruciating thirst within.

When the consciousness of Me and Mine possesses a human, all the Hell breaks loose. Heaven and Hell split apart causing the duality and fear to reign.

Fear of God seems to stem from ignorance and fear of ourself. However, God internalised and experienced as an all encompassing Motherly embrace lifts humanity to self enriching level of consciousness that needs no proof, because it is the Universal and impersonal Consciousness.

God is not the politics of pleasing and appeasing voters, fear and conquest, perception and deception, defeat and victory. It is the invisible undefinable witness and proof of all that we humans see, seek, perceive and beyond; when perceived from the pulpit of universal wisdom. It is the nameless religion of humanity as well as creation itself. It cannot be captured in a Book of verses; instead it is clearly audible through the ecstatic singing of birds, the silent beauty of butterflies, the free flowing fragrance of flowers, the innate wisdom and humility of humanity that often stays hidden from itself.

The ecstatic singing of Birds

The silent beauty of butterflies and the free flowing fragrance of flowers.

The innate wisdom of humanity is often hidden from itself.

Only Fools Fear God in various bleeding shades of ignorance and are naturally afraid of themselves. Irrespectively, God blesses them, one and all!

It behooves, not to let the Political Pulpit suck you in its fear mongering Tribe. Instead, be a natural Tribe by yourself and change yourself for your own good. It is not selfishness.

Of necessity, you must be alive to be transformed. In order to be reborn, you must first physically die. There are no two ways about Truth. It is not a big deal.

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