Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Truth of Being and Becoming

True Beggars are the affluent that are constantly desiring for more and more.
Truly Affluent are those that are constantly satisfied within their own skin.
Truly Brave are the ones that have no need to put up a fight to prove themselves.
Truly Wise are the ones that can discriminate between Scholarship and the Genuine Literacy of Life.
Truly Coward are the ones that are afraid of themselves.
Truly Spiritual are those that serve others unconditionally.
Truly Religious are those that embrace the silence of being and becoming human.
Truly Nomads are those that lead a flock of sheep to the No Man’s Land.
Truly Naive are those that audaciously define the borders of Heaven-N-Hell, Right-N-Wrong, Believer-N-Nonbeliever, Sinner-N-Pious; not realising that each human is unique in the entire cosmos of Existence.
Truly Self-Enlightened are the extremely rare ones that Twinkle like a Star on the Ground and silently bless the Seekers of the unchangeable, undefinable absolute Truth, beyond which there is no need to exist.

Smart Asses don’t get it; only the unassuming simple ones Do, that Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

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