Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spirituality - आत्मजागृती

Spirituality -  आत्मजागृती

Spirituality is all about opening our mindful heart to higher possibilities of Life. A suitable Sanskrit expression for it may be Sanatan Dharma ( सनातन धर्म ), which implies universal and timeless religion. Universal religion does not imply One religion for all, instead it implies one religion for every individual of its own choice, including the freedom of having no religion at all. Religion better defined is an individual specific way of life. In Sanatan Dharma you have freedom of choice to worship and adore an object of your own choice including a stone, tree, cow, sun, moon, wind… you name it and choose it to comprehend your own presence in the dynamics of the cosmic Universe.

Vision and #FearOfGod are both baseless frontiers of self-ignorance.

सनातन, धर्म, और परमात्मा ये त्रिगुणात्मक आत्मजागृती की एकमेव सोच है।  

With utter gratitude, the above mentioned thoughts stem from the Grace of morning Satsang/सतसंग. The word Satsang/सतसंग implies being in the gracious company of self-enlightening thoughts.

The words of any one language devised by humans fail to communicate the language of Silence in which dwells the eternal and boundless cosmic Wisdom.  In praise of Excellence, language serves only as a limiting factor. Inner experience/अनुभूति is the only true experience of Life. That is the ultimate experience of a true Seeker .


Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....