Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Graceland of Motherhood

Writing is the daily practice of Tap Dancing of Fingers on the Keyboard of the Desktop Computer to simply understand ourself in the constantly changing dynamics of Mother Nature.

Mother is the sweetest word on the lips of Humanity - Sufi-Saint Khalil Gibran.

Each day of our life is an expression of affectionate gratitude for our Mother, for the opportunity of being, becoming and transforming. Ultimately in Mother’s Grace and embrace we are found.

The radiant blossom of Spring peeking through our window reminds us of the constant change as the Reality of Existence.

The Crabapple tree in our garden is in full blossom this week, which will be followed soon within the fortnight by the Red-N-Pink blossom of its adjacent Rosebud Tree, planted by our three sons Deepak-Vikas-Sagar on Mother’s Day almost 25 years ago. The heartrending colorful spring blossoms blesses us all unconditionally.
My wife Usha’s Mother passed away peacefully at her self fulfilled age. She breathed her last in Usha’s very presence in Delhi. She had expressed on her last day that Guru was coming to fetch her. A few minutes later she breathed her last inhale. She required no medicines throughout lifetime.  

My Mother died of her self fulling old age while we were in Addison, Illinois. USA. A few weeks after her death, Usha saw my Mother in the dream glancing like the spring blossom from outside of the window shown in the photograph. From her gentle look, she seemed to be ensuring herself that all is going well with all of us inside the home.

The Blessings and Fragrance of Motherhood are eternally without any shadow. It is more effectively expressed through Hindi language as वात्सल्यप्रेम स्वरुप।  From its spirit we emerge at birth, and ultimately into it we merge unconditionally and completely; as Honey dissolves in Water.  

The garden of peace and tranquility is the Bliss of Existence. If we eat the forbidden Apple of the garden, we embrace the misery of existence. Experiencing the hidden message in the words is immensely more self enriching and self revealing than blindly intellectualising it. Silence is the Cosmic language of Existence and Yoga of Motherhood.


  1. Words fail to do justice. Oh how dare i write a comment on this ode to mother!



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