Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Trinity of Existence

Image - Free Spirit of the Wind, the Rider and the Ridden

Trinity is symbolic of three complementary forces supporting the nature of Existence namely Creation, Preservation and Transformation in eternal motion.
Existence or Creation is that which exists on its own and cannot be defined by humans within the four walls of self-ignorance namely the Temple, Church or Mosque.

Human is a smarty-farty and micro-cosmic identity that expresses itself from both ends of its existence. Gifted with a limited life span of about 100 years as against the age of the planet Earth of approx. 4.5 Billion years and the presumed Universe of approx. 5.4 Billion years, and the indeterminate reality of cosmic Existence. The Science of Mathematics predicts and defines Infinity, but cannot experience it; and humans cannot touch it.

Existence defies any definition, and can only be experienced from within; prompts the ageless and dimensionless wisdom. Yet a human constantly struggles vainly to define it within the four walls of its self-ignorance.

Human philosophy of daily life has a reference of East, West, North and South or the dictates of GPS ( God Pleasing System ) prompting where to turn or turnaround. The same daily philosophy directed in the vertical direction seems to be contained within the designated Heaven upwards, and Hell down below.

What may not be philosophy of life is simply Existence that requires no GPS because it is an integral part 0f Life itself and needs no searching nor studying. It represents an art of being and becoming complete from within ourselves, in which there remains no further need for any desire of attachments. One way to comprehend it seems to be effortless Nirvana or Yoga.

There seems to be an absence of an all-inclusive Universal Pleasing System (UPS) simply because the politics of pleasing, appeasing or converting any one is not a part of Existence.

Philosophy of Existence :

Philosophically, a flattened world may be divided into East, Middle-East, and the West of conscious awareness.

Geographically this East stretches from the Land of the Rising Sun namely Japan and stretches up to the Indian subcontinent. The Middle-East stretches from the Desert Storms of Iran to the Atlantic coast of European continent. The West is the Americas contained between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This philosophical outline represents an unpublished Atlas of conscious awareness.

The philosophy of East descends within itself to experience the reality of Existence.

The overall philosophy of the Middle-East stretches itself outwards and is contained within the self imposed limits of Heaven and Hell of Existence defined by the Books of Revelations. The quagmire web of virtual belief systems initiated in the Middle-East include the philosophies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These philosophies point to  a new brilliant Star that shows up in the sky to celebrate the birth of a Messiah. The three wise men pointing to the bright star in the sky is its  pictorial representation.

The fertile riverbeds of the same Middle-East, nourish the self enriching philosophy of Sufism pointing inwards and suggesting that a human born on Earth enlightens itself and becomes a Star of conscious awareness by itself. Existence is all about the constant balancing act of natural forces; in this case insanity vs. universal identity.

The philosophy of the West identified earlier, is internalised by the original Natives of the Americas. It is envisioned as an all pervading universal Energy that remains eternally Constant irrespective of the mischievous presence, absence or disappearance of humans as well as other forms of Life. The original Natives of the Americas does not include any migrated or migrating Immigrants that pollute the natural atmosphere of freely being and becoming.

The planet Earth is philosophically a whole Ball of Wax rotating around itself and simultaneously rotating around the Sun responsible for its very Existence. To complicate the picture further, this limited Universe with its own singular Sun and its own planetary system is also rotating simultaneously within the Gravitational Field of other Solar Systems. As a result, a human standing on the crust of planet Earth does not really know which is the true East, West, North or South, nor which is Up or Down. Yet Humans have the audacity to define Heaven, Hell, and the reality of Existence.

The Reality of Existence may only be akin to the unbound freedom spirit of the Wind, the Rider, and the Ridden. The Reality of Existences condenses effortlessly from the harmonious union of the texture and aroma of East and West of conscious awareness. It is eternally and unconditionally, all inclusive.

Of necessity, each human is a Messiah of its own conscious awareness. That is essentially why Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within to experience the changeless and undefinable Truth of Existence.

The general psyche of the Middle-East has unfortunately veered to a mess of Mesias in the constantly raging Desert Storms.     

The fearlessly robust and self reliant Genghis Khan of Mongolia respectfully honored the freedom spirit of the wind and the unfathomable wisdom of the deep blue sky above as his supreme witness.

Each human has an individual specific way of expressing and experiencing Existence, while carrying individual specific banner of trust and unquestioned faith.

The personal banner of Genghis Khan was his spear with the flock of his Stallion's hair from its mane tied under the spear. The deep blue sky together with the freedom of its wind was his constant witness and protector.

In the vision and perception of the Third Eye without any judgement, there is no right nor wrong about the dynamics of the world just as it is; realising fully well that ultimately, each human realises the same unchangeable universal Truth of Existence.

Constant judgemental perception is for the birds to chatter about.

1 comment:

  1. Comment is a commentary and not a part of Existence ~~~


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