Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Origin of Pain

Ouch !!
Pain is pain irrespective of where and how it starts.
The origin of pain seems to be alphabetically geometric ….  

Pain in the Ass originates from the bossy sprouts of self presumptuous authority namely “ i “.
Pain in the Belly originates from excessive love for stuffing food.
Pain in the Cardiovascular originate with emotions effervescing uncontrollably out of the heart.
Pain in the Digestive tract originate from mischief of the tongue.
Pain in the Ears originate from fascination for loud music.
Pain in the Fanny originates from falling on icy emotions.
Pain in the G …..
Pain in the Heart originates from passion for blunderous pleasures.
Pain in the Iris of the eye originates from staring aimlessly at illegitimate objects.
Pain in the Jaw originates from the emotions of chattering teeth.
Pain in the Kidneys originates from the Belly full of Beer….not sure
Pain in the Lungs …..
Pain in the Mouth originates from the diarrhea of the vocal cords.
Pain in th the Nose originates from butting in with nosy temperament.
Pain in the Organs of mobility originate from …
Pain in the Q ….
Pain in the Rectum originates from …
Pain in the S …
Pain in the Teeth originates from dental and mental disengagements.
Pain of Urination originates from the ... .
Pain of the Vocal Cord originates from the compulsive silence of motions.
Pain of the Womb commences from …
Pain of the X …
Pain of the Y commences from repeated mindless questioning.
Pain of the Z ….

The alphabetical listing to be revised with readers suggestions !

Contributions received so far  from :

Mr. Shri Shastri @ Oakville, Ontario, Canada from :

G:  Gall bladder pAIN

L: Lungs congestion,collapse… Leg cramps,

S :  Shingles…

V : Pain of the Vein thrombosis

X : Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Y; Yellow fever

Z: Zinc deficiency syndrome

What's next रिकामा न्हावी ?

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