Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Constant Balancing Act of Celibacy - ब्रह्मचर्य का लगातार संतुलन अधिनियम

Celibacy or ब्रह्मचर्य is a Constant Balancing Act of our innate cosmic nature. It represents an intuitive balance between the Art and Science of Life, of being and becoming our own multi dimensional or borderless true Self.
* Celibacy is not and cannot be ordained by any external authority housed within the four walls of worship commonly decreed as Temple, Church or Mosque.
* Celibacy is not a decorative status promulgated by  the pulpit of scholarship.
* Celibacy is not an effort nor a desire to prove nor disprove anything.

Celibacy is an intuitive drive and self discipline of a Seeker to conserve and maximise available energy to experience and attain the blissfulness of existence. A Seeker simply tries to experience that which is changeless in the dynamics of the cosmic environment.

When Celibacy is ordained from within the walled in places of ignorance based fear and worship, history has revealed what happens behind the four closed walls. What happens is bound to happen; it is not a discovery nor a revelation, but simply the consequence of inhibited common sense.  

Mind is not a physical organ, a physicality with a natural shadow, where as intuition is a blink of self affirmation. As illustrated in the above image, Brain is a physicality with two half lobes namely the Left cerebral hemisphere and the Right cerebral hemisphere, and the Pineal Gland is situated in between the two. From one perspective, the Pineal Gland manages the Constant Balancing Act between the Artistic and Scientific faculties of human nature in its existence. An ideal balance is attainable only through purposeful efforts.

The Pineal gland, like any other organ of the body, grows to its maturity and performs its balancing role optimally in good health. However in excessive drain of life energy from the body due to excessive sexual and related emotional pursuits, its balancing function is sacrificed.  Celibacy is a self disciplinary system for harmonising and maintaining youthful vigor in order to optimise the basic purpose of Life.  

The timeless discipline of self affirming meditative Yoga system assists in harmonising the desired balance to provide equanimity of the Mind. Out of that equanimity arises self enlightened awareness of a Seeker of the changeless Truth. This Seeker is the star that twinkles on its own.

Vintage or matured universal Wisdom prompts that realization of the changeless Truth is solely an inner experience; which is ultimately the same for every individual that seeks it.

Different religions, simply represent different ways of life. Their fat Bibles are simply human expressions without any direct experience of the words. The inexperienced words serve the purpose of leading the flock that cannot think nor reason for itself, nor own the responsibility for it. History up to this day, is the constant witness to the saddening dynamics of it all.

Virtual God said to Adam and Eve, while you reside in the garden of Bliss, do not eat the Apple; for, the Apple of temptation shall corrupt you to the ways of the Intellectuals ( पांडित्य ) .

It behooves us to comprehend Celibacy from a self enriching perspective in order to maximise ourselves in the dynamics of the Cosmos. It is a stepless and silent  journey within without a Book and its supporting Ego.

The time frame of embracing Celibacy is absolutely an individual specific choice. Crown Prince Siddhartha who ultimately attained the consciousness of Buddha, chose and opted for Celibacy around the age of  35. By that time he was married and had a few children! One night he quietly slipped out of the palace to seek the unchangeable Truth. History is his living witness. He did not wish to prove or disprove anything. Cosmic Truth eternally stands on its own.

Updating this composition on Celibacy to April 2017, it is tempting to add:

Mr. Mohandas. K. Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi ( 1869 - 1948 ) as he is referred now, had dedicated his life energy to serve fellow men/women in support of humanity ( इन्सानियत ). In later decades, he dedicated his energies to gain Independence for India from the British Raj. During the freedom struggle for India, via Non-Violent methods, Gandhi had taken a solemn vow of Celibacy in concert with his wife, around his age of 60-65. History is witness to his personal contribution in his self enriching cause and journey until his assassination in January 1947.

On a similar note, in the current scene in 2017, India has democratically elected Mr. Narendra Modi as its Prime Minister. Modi was reportedly married through the arranged marriage system when he was around the age of 15. However, with a deeper sense of rededicating his life energy to serving and uplifting fellow countrymen, he has embraced Celibacy before even consummating his marriage. Some of his own countrymen misunderstand him and his intentions, which is understandable because his services are now dedicated to the complex politics of India.

I have never personally met Mr. Narendra Modi. As a writer and independent observer, I seem to fully comprehend Modi’s devotion to serving fellow countrymen and the country of his birth. He has no need to explain or elaborate on his pursuit of life. It is my sincere need to vouch for his Celibacy, while he is actively engaged as the Prime Minister of India. Reportedly and believably, he works at his current job diligently 24/7 all the year through. That is the innate strength and stamina of self promulgated Celibacy, which is better better known in Sanskrit as ब्रह्मचर्य.

Through times immemorial, the cultural traditions of Bharat ( subcontinent called India ) has been living witness to the Celibacy of self enlightened Sages and Rishis: true Seekers of the unchangeable cosmic Truth.

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