Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Trinity of Existence

Image - Trinity of the Mind, the Rider and the Ridden

Trinity is symbolic of three complementary forces of the nature of Existence namely Creation, Preservation and Transformation in constant and eternal motion.
Existence or Creation is that which exists on its own and cannot be defined by a human within the four walls of self-ignorance called the Temple, Church or Mosque.

Human is a smarty-farty and micro-cosmic identity that expresses itself from both ends of its existence. Gifted with a limited life span of about 100 as against the age of the planet Earth of approx. 4.5 Billion years and the presumed Cosmos of approx 5.4 Billion years,  and the indeterminate reality of Existence.

Existence defies any definition, but can only be experienced from within; prompts the ageless and dimensionless wisdom. Yet a human constantly struggles vainly to define it within the four walls of its ignorance.

Human philosophy of daily life has a reference of East, West, North and South or the latest GPS ( God Pleasing System ) prompting where to turn or turnaround. The same philosophy directed in the vertical direction seems to be contained within the designated Heaven, Earth and Hell.

There seems to be an absence of all-inclusive Universal Pleasing System (UPS).

Philosophically a flattened world may be divided into East, Middle-East and the West. Geographically this East stretches from the Land of the Rising Sun named Japan up to the Indian subcontinent. The Middle East stretches from the deserts of Arabia to the Atlantic coast of Europe. The West is the Americas contained between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This outline represents an as yet unpublished Atlas of conscious awareness….

To be continued …..

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