Thursday, April 27, 2017

Always Blessed are Hands that serve Unconditionally

Always Blessed are Hands that serve Unconditionally

Image - Mrs. Sudha Upadhye, Niagara, Ontario, Canada

Sudha,  Hearty Congratulations for the well earned award/recognition that you have received from the gracious Niagara inter relationships ( Re: Niagara Falls Volunteer services at your local hospital ).

Image - Niagara Falls, Canada

In the spirit of unconditional services offered to all natural beings, including humans; at its symbolic feet exists the eternal freedom of being and becoming human, that we seek as a self-enriching reward by itself.

सुधा, ४० वर्षें सतत जनसेवा करून तू स्वतःची माणुसकी जपून ठेवली आहेस त्याबद्दल तुला नायगरा कडून जे पारितोषिक मिळाले आहे ते आदरणीय आहे.

नैसर्गिक जीवांची आणि मानवांची, अनासक्त भावाने सेवा तेवढीच आदरणीय आहे जेव्हडी मातेची सेवा-भावाने काळजी घेणे । मातेच्या ममत्वात, भूगर्भाची आणि विश्वाची प्रसन्नता आहे।  

नैसर्गिक जीवों की अनासक्त भावसे, तन-मन सेवा के तल्लेही, जैसे माँ के पैरों तल्लेही, स्वर्ग/मोक्ष की अनादि-अनंत आझादी है।

Sudha, with this well earned service award, you make each one of the following people mighty proud of you; they include:
  • Your late Parents
  • Your late Husband.
  • Goregaon, the village of your sweet childhood memories.
  • Your Mother land - India
  • Your Mothered land - Canada
  • Your Canadian family of mothered relationships.

The most precious of all life experience is always the innermost satisfaction constantly derived as a blessing of being, becoming, sharing and serving unconditionally.

The gracious Niagara Waterfall and its Rainbow is the constant witness of it all.

Take care.

With love to your entire family.



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