Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Game of Me and Mine

I have picked up the stones and bullets strewn liberally across the walls that divide the reality of existence. The walls divide the Believers and Nonbelievers, Sinner and Pious, Hell and Heaven, Sunni and Shia, Catholic and Protestant, Hindu and Muslim, the Lower cast and Upper cast,

The virtual architecture of the imaginative walls include the long Wall of China, Iron Curtain, Bamboo Curtain, Berlin wall, Cyber wall, and several more unlisted. Under each virtual wall, Rats dig tunnels for a free walk to Freedom.  The game goes on unabated challenging the efficacy of human wisdom. Here is my collection of some of those stones and Bullets :

  • Be good tomorrow and yesterday. It takes no effort.
  • Do not try to prove anything that you are not. Save energy.
  • What you are not, is abundantly audible to others around you.
  • Me and Mine are the two major sufferings of humanity: my God and your God included.
  • The ignorance of humanity is contained within the four walls of East, West, North and South.That is why, a human habitually prays facing up towards the spotless and boundless sky.  
  • My body is not mine because it has manufactured itself automatically from within, cell by cell, starting from one unfertilised Egg in Mother’s womb. Rest of the game of Life was consequential. Subsequently, the assembly of fertilised eggs, commenced breathing by itself automatically following the natural cosmic rhythm. To this day after 84 years the same game of breathing-in and breathing-out is going on automatically unassisted.

Realising all of the above game of Life, I have an insane curiosity “ In all of this paraphernalia of Bullets, what is Me and Mine “ ??
तेरा तुझको अर्पण, क्या लागे मेरा ?
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे।  

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