Monday, May 29, 2017

The Spider’s Web

Image - Exquisite architecture of a Spider's web

The more we try to define something that we do not understand nor honestly admit, the more we tend to confine or encapsulate it within our self ignorance. It is like a Spider’s web that is woven around itself, with an exquisite architecture to behold. That web becomes its Religion.

The Spider traps its prey in the web to sustain itself through lifetime and ultimately perishes in it. Hearsay, the Spider can also take its spunout web back into itself.

Similar is the philosophical concept of Brahma/ब्रह्म, which is symbolic of the all pervading Universe; perceived as the Creator, Preserver, and Transformer of conscious awareness. Philosophers and Poets seem to express it in their own ways:

A religious Muslim sings a tune/धुन  “ अल्लाह हूँ, अल्लाह हूँ , अल्लाह हूँ,~~ “
A Sufi Muslim sings the tune/धुन  “ हूँ, हूँ, हूँ ~~~ “

A religious Hindu sings a tune/धुन  “ सारे जगमें हैं दो नाम,  चाहे कृष्ण कहो या राम “. Krishna or Ram is symbolic of the all inclusive Universal Consciousness.
A Vedantic Hindu introspects in silence/ध्यान  “ अहं ब्रह्मास्मि -  अदवैत भाव “ .  

Religion is simply a tune/धुन of self introspective affirmation, and not a Spider’s Web that appearsto trap Self, although the Spider has its own self fulfilling natural tune expressed silently through its self created web of exquisite architecture.

Religion is a Yoga, an all inclusive union/merging of conscious awareness; and not a splitter of human spirit for attaining self fulfillment in Life. A plant or a tree expresses it naturally through its full Blossom and fragrance.

Image - Cherry blossom in full self expression

Ultimately, Life seems to be a continuous process of transition from conception, birth, a lifetime of transition and transformation until the relationship of flesh, bones and blood ceases and condenses in the all inclusive universal freedom and its wisdom; the indescribable inner experience of Grace or साक्षात्कार .

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