Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mother is the First Alphabet of Life

Mother is the First Alphabet of Life

Image - This adorable sculpture of Mother and Child in plaster has been in our home ever since 1970. Photo courtesy of Deepak S. Deo

The above sculpture silently says it all about Motherhood without a word. The physical presence of Mother in Life reveals, asserts, and reinforces it.

Ma or माँ is the first alphabet of Life, integral to our very being and becoming. Consequently, it is permanently etched in our conscious awareness.

Universally, Life takes care of Life unconditionally following the natural laws of existence. Unfortunately, the forces of human nature seem to disrupt its sanctity.

Always blessed is the willing heart and its arms that reach out to serve others unconditionally and without any expectations in return. Motherly womb is symbolic of it all. Consequently, the blessings ( दुआएं ) of Mother are ever present in the multidimensional atmosphere in which each living being exists as a physicality; in a temporary body of awareness.

It seems that the five fundamental elements of Nature namely Space, Wind, Earth, Fire and Water condense and coalesce together under the tender loving care of Mother’s womb into a physicality called Fetus providing an opportunity of being and becoming human over a period of nine patient months. Consequently, it behooves us to celebrate Mother and her attributes every day in the spirit of sheer gratitude for the opportunity of being and becoming.

Universally, Life seems to serve Life within the framework of Nature to understand itself. A writer writes, a musician composes/sings, a painter paints, a sculptor sculpts, a scientist measures physicalities, and astronautical physicality travels to the far off planets and galaxies primarily to understand and comprehend Life. After the hustle and bustle of the journey of Life, there is not much left to discover except ourselves by diving within ourselves in a silent mode termed Introspection or Meditation via the Yoga/Union of coalescing within.

From silence we seem to emerge and ultimately into silence we merge. Silence is symbolic of the comfort zone of existence or the Lub-Lub of Motherly womb.
Lub-Lub is a word coined by a 5-year old girl ( Juhi Harisinghani, daughter of Ajit and Meena Harisinghani @ Pune ) for a specific soft blanket/comforter that she asked for to crawl into as soon as she started feeling sleepy during late evenings.

Image - The Indian breed of Cow and its beautiful Calf

Having had the opportunity of witnessing a calf being born and watching the duo of Mother-Child closely for one month while I was 12 year old, it was a pleasant surprise to hear the calf calling out for its mother with the familiar sound of Ma or माँ , affirming that it is indeed the first alphabet of Life.

Drawing - Mother and Child within a comforter

Displaying images-1.jpegWithin each one of us, at all times, there is an ever present infant that needs to be held. Each day is Mother’s Day to behold and to be held in sheer gratitude of being and becoming.
Mother is an ever present comforter within which we feel the warmth and bliss of existence.

Image - Courtesy of Shri Shastri, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

1 comment:

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....