Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amen! or Ye Men and Women !

Image - The individual specific journey of Life 
Life is a continuous learning process of cause and effect until we graduate out of flesh, bones and existence itself. Our DNA, which is our individual specific biological and universal identity, is an eloquent testimony and witness to it every step of the way.

Merely repeating Amen, ॐ, इंशाअल्लाह like a parrot or punching "Like" on Facebook, the Book of Faces, don't accomplish nothing… until we learn to stand on our own feet of commitment and believe in ourselves fearlessly and wholeheartedly.

God/ईश्वर/खुदाह/वाहेगुरु, as a singular identity represent our all inclusive universal wisdom. It has granted us the Heart-Brain complex to utilise in order to fulfill our journey of Life, without a Guarantee that we shall use it.  
This is a spring of wisdom that springs from within each one of us, and not a commandment thundering and reigning from the skies above.

Humbling as it is, the promised kingdom of Heaven that we seek lies wholly within ourselves at all times; for our own body is the Holy Land. Therefore, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within and it has nothing to do with our acquired religiosity.

Chase not the mirage of promises assured by the Pulpit of inexperience, for no one really knows first hand experientially, where we come from before birth and where we are headed after death.

The only thing we know for sure is that our body starts out with a single fertilized egg in Mother's womb, which in turn multiplies assembling and building itself in the form and functioning human body with all of its builtin intelligence and functional wisdom. After discontinuation of breath identified as death, this very body automatically reverts back into topsoil, irrespective of which God you worship or do not worship. A materially dead body does not rise to the skies defying basic Laws of Nature.

Empty promises from the Pulpit of inexperience deliver only empty and hollow freedom under the name of liberation.

I am no pretentious agnostic, mystic nor a religious political brat; but just an age humbled human fully aware of my self-ignorance and frank enough to admit “ I do not know “. I have gradually learnt to listen carefully to my inner rhythm of life that constantly navigates and guides my inner drive and comprehension.

God, the all inclusive universal wisdom, has graciously granted each one of us two eyes to insure that we may not follow anyone blindly, and a third eye of introspection to witness Life just the way it is; without being a Judge or the Jury of jurisprudence.

Human power of imagination ranges from nothing to infinitesimal in comparison with the Reality of Universe all around us and equally within us in the same measure. Only the power of deep introspection devoid of any boundaries enables us to access the reality of existence. The self ennobling timeless Seers/Sages/Scientists amongst us guide us to cross the borders of limitations and access the all inclusive universal wisdom in which we find our true universal self identity.   

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