Monday, May 1, 2017

Our Earthly Body

Our Earthly Body

Image - In the process of evolution, Life takes care of Life

The life process of our earthly body, seemingly
begins in Mother’s womb with fertilization of the qualified Egg by a visiting qualified Sperm.

Philosophically, the Cell and the Sperm are both embodiments of life itself; an ongoing process defying earthly terminology and definitions.

As perceived medically and with political contradictions, the apparent journey of life begins at a certain age of maturity of the fertilized Egg. The Insurance and Medical establishments have a big stake in it!

The single fertilized Egg of miniscule size throbbing with life energy (ऊर्जाशक्ती ) multiplies into multiplicity of cells bonding each other with its cosmic bond and  wisdom. The self driven process of cell aggregation and orderly arrangement continues with the architecture of cosmic wisdom. The nose does not grow on the top of head, and an arm does not grow on  the hips. The architecture is permissive of constant building and nurturing the human body as we recognise it. It is the same process for all life forms of life, but varies in its integral design. The universal evolutionary process of production and reproduction  insures that a human baby is always a human and not a Peacock, and an elephant's baby is an elephant. This universal wisdom even extends to all vegetation matter ensuring that a Mango grows only on a Mango tree and not on an Apple tree.

Death of human body and its physicality represents disintegration of Cells and transformation from one state of consciousness to another.

Beyond the physical death or disintegration of this body is the journey of cause and corresponding consequences; until the cause totally sublimates In the Silence of being and becoming.

Through the cosmic Silences emerges life, which ultimately merges back into the same Silence; thus the Creator and its Creation become One single inseparable identity ( अद्वैत स्वरूप ).

During the period of formation and constant transformation, Life takes care of Life.  

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