Sunday, May 7, 2017

Igloo of Innocence

Igloo is the House of Innocence and Self-identity  

Igloo is a house of ice slabs held together with the mortar namely Water. Human body is an igloo of life throbbing cells held together with the mortar of cosmic energy and its self supporting architecture of wisdom. A human fetus establishes itself in Mother’s womb and subsequently births itself as an infant of pure innocence.

Science of physicality and measurements points to the DNA ( biological identity ) as our real identity. DNA is merely an evolutionary physical and constantly changing identity following the laws of Nature.

Our true innate identity is the unchangeable, eternal, formless, undefinable and nameless.

The newly born infant arrives as pure as a Dew Drop, bearing no opinion of its own whatsoever, good or bad. Subsequently it absorbs opinions from others and the environment around it. This is how pollution of the mind and its intellect perpetuates and precipitates. Time and space including the 21st Century are its living witness.

At the terminal end of the journey of life, every human thirsts to leave its body as pure as it has arrived at birth free of any pollution of the mind, heart and its intellect: accomplishing it via complete, voluntary and unconditional submission, identified as Meditation. In
Meditation dwells the silence, peace, and tranquility of existence and cosmic wisdom.

From the Igloo of innocence and the stillness of its silence we emerge, and ultimately into it we merge completely as pure consciousness.

In this composition, Igloo is symbolic of innocent and egoless presence devoid of any building blocs.

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