Friday, May 26, 2017

पूजा-पाठ, श्रद्धा-भक्ती

अनासक्त भावसे और किसीसे कुछ बिना मांगे जब पूजा-पाठ होता है, तभी हम श्रद्धा-भक्ती भावको प्राप्त होते हैं. भगवान सदा भूखा है, ऐसे भाविक पुजारिओंके लिये .

The most precious blessing of life springs from within ourselves and engulfs existence, as we submit to " Harmoniously being and becoming unconditionally integrated with all inclusive Nature;
in this stage of harmony, we automatically become recipients of Grace that transforms us and everything around ourselves…..”.  These are the silent affirmations of the ever present Sages, Seers and Scientists amongst us whose vision reaches beyond self imposed limitations.

God is an all inclusive universal wisdom, indivisible and equally available to every seeker of the unchangeable Truth.

Try to define God and you confine it within self ignorance; it is only to be experienced within ourselves and needs no material proof. Only transitory phenomena need proof.

पूजा-पाठ, श्रद्धा-भक्ती, अनासक्त भावमें हो जाती है; कोई क्रिया-कर्म नही है।  

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