Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Human Lunacy of Being and Becoming

Image - appearing in Facebook, the Book of Faces! Forwarded to me by Deepak S. Deo

First of all my personal appreciation for the artist who has put up the above composite picture describing the modern world wide web of lunacy.

The human lunacy is about our own audacity of trying to look and become what we are not; trying to prove something for which no proof is ever necessary.  

Ever since the blossoming of humanity, with all of its books of knowledge and ego, none of us truly know where we come from prior to birth and where do we go after death. The moment humanity honestly accepts this excruciating ignorance, all formalised and cultivated religions of the world will instantly fall apart. After that moment, what will be left is simply the beauty and fragrance of being and becoming…. just like a natural plant that sprouts from its seed, grows up naturally soaking up the environment, and blossom in fulfilment to its fullest potential of being and becoming, with no need ever to understand or prove its own existence.  

Image - Cherry blossom enjoying its own self fulfilment

The human ego and audacity of self ignorance knows no bounds.

A-Men, male and female ego instincts of the world, it behooves for us to first take a close look at our own self before judging any one else.

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