Saturday, May 27, 2017

Withering Height and Levitation

Image - Koraput


Taking these Dictionary breakdowns of the word "withering":

With-er-ing height is symbolic of the loneliness and seeming fragility of a tree without leaves. For a human, it is the action of becoming dry and shriveled. It is an action intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated resulting in withering look for that individual.

For humans, loneliness and being alone by choice are two different opposite phases of awareness. Loneliness appears like a tree in the above picture, standing alone without leaves and deprived of their supporting or complementary functions.

Image - Introspective mood

On the contrary, being alone in introspective stance represents levitation of conscious awareness beyond the self imposed limitations and blossoming into self fulfilling freedom.
Image - Liveliness of blossoming engagement

Without any written book, Nature seems to prompt to the infinite universal wisdom, which is accessible equally and unconditionally to each and every willing Seeker of the unchangeable Truth.

Each living species or matter, is integrally and wholly a part of natural Universe without a line of separation. The apparent line of separation between any two is the duality or illusion ( माया ) of existence reflecting as self ignorance.

Through times and borderless space, self enlightened Masters amongst us have prompted that the universe that lies outside of us is identical to the universe that lies inside of us in identical measure ( Vedanta philosophy ).
Image may contain: text

Truthful philosophy of Life is not a Religion defined by human enterprise that is tied into the fiction of virtual God and tends to split the spirit of humanity; instead it is an inner experience, which is ultimately the same for everyone.

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