Thursday, May 18, 2017

Truth and the Half-Truth

The Half-Truth ( अर्धसत्य ) seems to lie halfway between optimism and pessimism of human intellectual pursuits. It addresses wide ranging global issues such as God, Religion, Morality, Global Warming,The Big Tsunami, and Self-destruction. The fat books such as Gita, Bible, Quran, Mein Kampf and similar others have authoritative answers for them. Life seems to constantly hang in the dualities of Half-Truths.

The one and the only Truth is always complete within itself and never needs an explanation nor definition. Once we immerse ourselves in Truth wholeheartedly, there remains no need to return. That Truth is always within ourselves, saving all the pains of Pilgrimage.

Truth alone Triumphs - सत्यमेव जयते।  

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