Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Axis of Sin, Hell and Heaven

Sin is a hesitant act of, to do or not to do, limitations imposed upon ourself, preventing evolution to full human potential in natural freedom. Sin is not a commandment etched on rock; it is an individual perspective or perception.

Hell seems to be a state of mind conjured up in fear shrouded with ignorance and denial of the reality of existence.   

Heaven seems to be a virtual real estate established to meet endless expectations of ecstasy.

Earth and its environment appears to be the groundwork from which we as life emerge and ultimately into it we merge back as Topsoil, thus subscribing to the natural biorhythm of Creation, Preservation and Transformation.

What we cannot comprehend seems to be assigned to God, creator of all mischief. What we do understand is claimed and consumed by our Ego. Now we do understand an Atom and have the capacity for blowing up humanity.

Sages, seers and scientists amongst us who successfully cross the borders of egotistic self-imposed limitations, have timelessly and equivocally prompted that the wisdom we seek outside of ourselves is readily accessible within ourselves; only when we dare to introspect in the silence of our conscious awareness.

Only the God, Heaven and Hell toting globally organised religions since the past 10,000 years of human evolution on planet Earth have promised the magic and mirage which they cannot deliver, and yet Religion is the most profitable business on planet Earth. The Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Law does not seem to be of any use to them as yet.

The all inclusive universal Wisdom is not a Book for reading and preaching from the Pulpit. It is only an inner indescribable experience, which is ultimately identical for everyone genuinely desirous of it. Out of all living species on planet Earth, only humans seem to struggle with it so much constantly.

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