Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Illusion named Mirage

In the desert patches of our life we see mirage,
The audacity of angelic Hope against Hope,
Flying Angel blessing and protecting us,
When we have no faith and trust in ourselves.

We worship the invisible good-old past as sacred,
Passionately dislike the visible bloody present,
And expect the future to produce miracles,
Far beyond our comprehension and reach.

Nothing ever really changes,
Until a real change and awakening stems from within,
With our own initiative and an all inclusive trust,
Unconditional and absolute; our very innate Nature.

Look no further for an angel, mirage, and miracle,
For each one of us is the miracle called Life,
The irrefutable past, present and future,
We are the Messiah of our absolute consciousness.  

Religion is our daily experiential and conscious living,
Totally devoid of expectations, fear, and illusions,
In a land so free,
Our own consciousness, absolute and unconditional.

Eh’ Men and Women,

Never define and confine yourself within self ignorance.    

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