Friday, June 30, 2017

Candlelight revealing Scandals ~~

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The eternal and timeless Truth presents itself as simply as a naked Sparrow and its sweet chirping.

The heavily clothed and ornate Pulpits of religious authorities tend to communicate the naked Truth with hidden agenda of virtual God, Heaven, Hell, and sex-scadals carried out under the long robes *.

Universal Truth is not a commodity for global marketing, but simply an inner experiential realisation with grace and gratitude.  

Like the chirping Sparrow, a young and unblemished Heart communicates the simple universal Truth with a sweet smile.

As depicted in the image above, Shiv G is not a virtual God created for blind faith. It is purely a symbolism for the all pervading eternal and universal Truth, omnipresent and indivisible that stands on its own reality.

Symbolisms vary from one pocket of civilisation/culture to another. However, the ultimate universal Truth always remains identical as an inner experiential realisation. That is simply why Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

The Scandals in candle light are purely traits of human imperfections; whereas the all pervading and timeless Truth is totally devoid of any flowery traits including those assigned to God, Heaven or Hell.  

There is no higher or lower Truth, nor is it the sole/exclusive property of any religious dogma; it is absolute.


George Pell, top Pope advisor, charged with sexual assault offenses ...

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