Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Stone Silence

Stone Silence

Stone silence between two opposing views is often the loudest, which drowns both.
The Parliament of each Nation around the Globe takes an opposite approach where both opposing parties talk and voice their opinions, while no one listens.

After confronting the two World Wars of the 20th Century, and several other of smaller scales but equal brutality, the self claiming modernised world has extended the same parliamentary skills further and applied it to the League of Nations and later United Nations Organization (UNO) and ultimately succeeded only in transforming it into a Disunited Nations Organization (DNO) of global repute.

On the contrary, an individual seeking realistic grounded solutions for resolving diametrically opposing views within its own consciousness seeks an individual specific route for inner harmony, which unfortunately cannot be applied to Masses, simply because “ Masses = Man+Asses “. Virtually fabricated religions of the world are trying in vain for past millenniums to apply it to masses.

Ultimately, it takes the all inclusive spirit of a single self-enlightened individual Master amongst us to guide a genuine Seeker through the creative and self incriminating mess of humanity. That path only leads to within ourselves on our own initiative. The changeless heavenly truth and its harmony that we humans constantly yearn for is present there in its entirety. That is why, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

Suresh M Deo shared Beloved Geetanjali's post.
Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, outdoor and nature


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