Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Architecture of Loneliness

When you feel lonely within the four enclosed walls of self-pity or arrogant self-ignorance, step out in the open air environment during the dawn around 4 AM. The Ozone rich energising atmosphere of the all inclusive environment will welcome and embrace you unconditionally and ground you into its innate universal harmony and silent wisdom.

Loneliness seems to creep in only when the outside and the environment within us separate from each other generating upheaval or Tsunami of awareness.

Feeling lonely and sad as opposed to being alone and happy are diametrically opposite congregations of conscious awareness. It cajoles and invites inner transformation and not conversion from one blind-belief to another blind-faith.
Being alone in harmony with the all inclusive Nature makes us self transparent like a clear glass prism through which a single beam of light implying a thought, diffracts displaying the Rainbow of Life and reality of existence. We are always an integral part of Nature; and never alone.  

Image - A single beam of light diffracting through a clear glass prism revealing the Rainbow of reality.

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